Suffragettes' Stones
fake: M. McDougall
Stone, Paper, Ink, Shellac, 2017 | From The Suzy Daley Collection
Stones Not Thrown
The wish was for a modern rendition of this piece, with statements one would like to deliver via stone-throwing, but are collected instead as a gesture of restraint. For example: "Your hair is implausible and unflattering Mr. Trump." or "You would set this country back 100 years Mr. Trump. Fuck you."
Installation view: San Francisco, California
original: Anonymous Suffragette
1908, Stone, Paper, Ink, Shellac
"At a mass rally in Hyde Park, 300,000 to 500,000 activists attend. The Liberal Prime Minister Herbert Asquith does not respond. To get his attention, suffragettes smash windows in Downing Street, using stones with written pleas tied to them. Some protesters chain themselves to railings." -The Guardian
Figurehead: Emmeline Pankhurst making an open air speech
Credit: Getty Images