Koons’s one metre-tall work, part of his Banality series, shows a naked boy offering a bouquet of flowers to a naked girl with flowers strewn around the children’s feet.
"Court rules American artist copied a 1975 postcard by Jean-François Bauret for his 1988 sculpture of two children". Read the full article at The Guardian
The judges decided the work, a porcelain sculpture of two naked children produced in 1988, had been copied from a 1975 postcard picture taken by photographer Jean-François Bauret called Enfants.
Koons’s limited company, Jeff Koons LLC, and the Pompidou Centre in were ordered to pay the late photographer’s family €40,000 (£35,000), half of which is intended to cover their legal fees."
Koons’s firm will also have to pay a further €4,000 for having used a picture of the sculpture on his website.